Feel good about money

As Australia’s leading Open Banking provider, we equip businesses and mortgage brokers with powerful efficiency tools, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and empower consumers to take control of their financial future.

Frollo for You

Empowering you to save smarter, spend less, see the big picture, and take charge of your financial goals.

  • Quality support

    Completely free to use (no ads)

  • Efficient testing

    AI personalised journey to help you achieve your goals

Frollo for Brokers

Frollo for Brokers is a free online portal for you to securely receive bank statements and financial data from your clients.

  • Detailed testing evidence

    Free account statements and financial data to support client fact find

  • Icon

    No banking passwords needed – (ever)

AMP Advice logo
P&N and BCU logo
Beyond Bank logo
BOQ logo
Canstar logo
Open Banking platfrom testimonial
"By partnering with a trusted organisation like Frollo, we can deliver an open banking solution that ensures customers can safely and importantly securely share and manage their data and information."
Chris Malcolm
General Manager Data & Open Banking
P&N Group
"Open Banking means we can become much more innovative in the services we deliver to our brokers. It also means that we can provide decisions and opportunities for customers quicker."
Simon Bednar
"Frollo’s technology streamlines the advice process and provides more opportunities for advisers to help their clients."
Matt Lawler
Managing Director
AMP Advice
"We're thrilled to be partnering with Frollo to provide our customers with actionable insights on their spending and savings habits, to help them take control of their financial wellbeing in an engaging and rewarding way."
Greg Boyle
Virgin Money Australia

Empowering Better Banking

We believe in the power of Open Banking to make things better: more accessible, more transparent, and more efficient. Frollo is helping Australia bank smarter, not harder.

Our mission is to empower the financial sector with the Open Banking tools and tech it needs to make the move to a world of better, more open, banking. In this world, customers can share their data freely and securely, positively impacting everyone along the way.

We are

  • Australia's leading Open Banking provider
    We’ve been empowering banks, lenders, brokers and financial advisers with Open Data since 2020.
  • Delivering business outcomes
    Our technology helps clients save time, reduce costs, lower risks and improve customer love.
  • Making finance better for all
    Our technology makes life better for the millions of Australians our clients serve.