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Product Reference Data

Turn Product Reference Data into a competitive advantage.

  • clock

    Save time

    Quickly and efficiently manage your product data APIs.
  • Security icon

    Stay compliant

    Your APIs are automatically upgraded to the latest specs to remain compliant.
  • insights library

    Gain market insights

    Track and analyse competitor product data to inform product and marketing decisions.
Defence Bank logo
Credit Union SA logo
Suncorp logo
Traditional Credit Union logo
BNK Bank logo

Compliance made easy

Our PRD Portal makes publishing compliant and up-to-date Product Reference Data APIs a breeze, features to bulk edit and schedule changes.

Compliance made easy

Our PRD Portal makes publishing compliant and up-to-date Product Reference Data APIs a breeze, features to bulk edit and schedule changes.
  • Roles and permissions
    Separate roles for creation and publishing enable an efficient workflow.
  • Quick and efficient
    Upload multiple products at once, easily review, edit and schedule product updates.
  • Future-proofed compliance
    APIs are maintained to the latest version, updates are tracked in an audit trail.
  • Insightful
    Search, filter and compare your competitors’ rates, fees, features and more.

One portal to Comply and Compete

Product Reference Data in the Consumer Data Right is more than a compliance obligation, it’s an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. Our PRD Portal consists of two modules, to Comply and Compete.

  • Our product management portal enables you to create, update and schedule changes to products easily. Bulk upload and download products, or edit them individually in the portal.

  • Track market trends and stay on top of product changes with our competitive analysis, covering over 7,500 products in real-time.

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Empowering Better Banking

We believe in the power of Open Banking to make things better: more accessible, more transparent, and more efficient. Frollo is helping Australia bank smarter, not harder.

Our mission is to empower the financial sector with the Open Banking tools and tech it needs to make the move to a world of better, more open, banking. In this world, customers can share their data freely and securely, positively impacting everyone along the way.

We are

  • Australia's leading Open Banking provider
    We’ve been empowering banks, lenders, brokers and financial advisers with Open Data since 2020.
  • Delivering business outcomes
    Our technology helps clients save time, reduce costs, lower risks and improve customer love.
  • Making finance better for all
    Our technology makes life better for the millions of Australians our clients serve.
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"Choosing Frollo as a partner was a simple decision; they reflect our values, understand our mission of financial inclusion for Indigenous people electing to live ‘on country’ and provide access to technologies and skills normally reserved for major mainstream banking organisations."
Tony Hampton
Traditional Credit Union