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Financial Passport

Make more accurate credit decisions, faster.

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    Save time and money

    Reduce time spent understanding your clients’ finances by removing the need to manually analyse bank statements and payslips.
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    Reduce risk

    Make better risk assessments with a complete, accurate and real-time understanding of your customer’s financial position.
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    Increase conversion

    Remove friction from your onboarding process by making it easy for customers to share their financial information.
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Built to drive lending efficiency

Powered by Open Banking, our Financial Passport delivers a real-time, accurate and insightful picture of your customers’ finances, easily integrated into your workflow.

Built to drive lending efficiency

Powered by Open Banking, our Financial Passport delivers a real-time, accurate and insightful picture of your customers’ finances, easily integrated into your workflow.
  • Real-time and complete
    A full overview of income, expenses, assets and liabilities in real-time.
  • Income verification
    Our income detection model verifies different types of income with market-leading accuracy.
  • Extensive insights library
    Access our library to get insights on missed payments, income regularity, gambling spend and much more.
  • Integrates with your workflow
    Access customer data directly via your CRM or lending platform, or download PDF and XLS.

A complete set of lending tools

The Financial Passport solution is a complete set of tools to help you streamline your lending process.

  • The Financial Passport PDF is an easy to read snapshot of your customer’s finances, including income, expenses, assets and liabilities. It can be customised to include risk metrics, unusual transactions and more.

  • The Financial Passport API connects directly with your lending CRM to auto-populate applications with CDR data, saving you time and providing you with one single source of truth.

  • CDR Bank statements are automatically generated using bank verified data, for use in any credit application.

  • The Partner Portal is an online environment where you can access your customer’s financial profile.

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Empowering Better Banking

We believe in the power of Open Banking to make things better: more accessible, more transparent, and more efficient. Frollo is helping Australia bank smarter, not harder.

Our mission is to empower the financial sector with the Open Banking tools and tech it needs to make the move to a world of better, more open, banking. In this world, customers can share their data freely and securely, positively impacting everyone along the way.

We are

  • Australia's leading Open Banking provider
    We’ve been empowering banks, lenders, brokers and financial advisers with Open Data since 2020.
  • Delivering business outcomes
    Our technology helps clients save time, reduce costs, lower risks and improve customer love.
  • Making finance better for all
    Our technology makes life better for the millions of Australians our clients serve.
Financial Passport testimonial
"Open Banking means we can become much more innovative in the services we deliver to our brokers. It also means that we can provide decisions and opportunities for customers quicker."
Simon Bednar
"Brokers have told us they are saving time, gaining better insights faster, and that their clients prefer the streamlined, less time-consuming and secure process."
Renee Blethyn,
Head of Broker Partnerships